The Downgrade

Getting rid of a smart phone has been on my mind a lot lately, I had been tossing around the pros and cons, and wondering how I would really ‘deal’ with out it. And then, I did it. One day woke up at 2 am to a Facebook notification, thinking today’s the day, this “thing” needs to go.  I started with taking all of my pictures off my phone and putting them on my laptop, this is the one thing I will miss the most, the phone had a wonderful camera and it was always on my side so I never had to go run and look for one when McKenna did something funny.  Then I found someone to buy my phone..I knew that if I kept it around it would tempt me and I would end up switching back for the convenience. 

But the dirty truth, I caught myself on it constantly, for no reason. I would be sitting in the living room, laptop on the couch next to me, cartoons blaring on the TV and my daughter tugging at my pants, with me telling her “No, go play” and then one day she replied “mum!” I looked down at her with those bright blue eyes and smiling ear to ear with a pipe cleaner hanging out of her nose and I thought to myself, Instagram is truly not this important, the Facebook updates I’ve read 4 times now, not important, the little girl at my feet wanting me to play patty cake and tickle her with pipe cleaners, THAT is important! The hot dog dance, and the shake-a-booty parties, those are important, not following the latest mommy on IG and making sure I don’t miss a beat on Facebook. 

It has been 3 days since switching, it doesn’t sound long, but it sure feels long. When I am at home I am 50 times more productive, when I am out I am 100 times more lost. I find myself forgetting to take along things like the address and directions of where I was going because I am so used to GPS on my phone, or wanting to show someone the latest house I found on the Realtor website, only to pull out my flip phone and laugh at myself. 


All these things really mean nothing, when I get back to the basics, I am happy to have my daughter hugging my leg while I canned pickles yesterday, and helping me make the crust for our apple pie..those moments last forever…all those other things only last a moment. 

Go Hug Your Kids, Kiss Your Husband, and Remember; God has a Plan

5 thoughts on “The Downgrade

  1. A brave & noble thing, to give up your smart phone. . . Kudos to you. It sounds as though you’ve given it the proper amount of thought & that it is truly the right thing for you to do. (I bet it also saves you a ton of money each month! OMG!)

    Perhaps, one day I will be willing to do the same — I am just not ready yet. You’ll have to do a follow-up post in a few months & tell us how it’s going? 😉


    • I will for sure do a follow up 😀 It saves a little, my husband uses so much data for work (GPS) that I couldn’t lower the data usage much but we went down a gig and hes going to try and not use as much so we can go down another and only pay for 2 gigs instead of 4 😀

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  2. Way to go! It’s a tough decision, but one you won’t regret. I TRY to be judicious about how often I use my phone (especially in front of the kids who watch how I spend every free minute) but I could use a lesson and just lock it up for the day.


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